Matthias Reim assets

Matthias Reim assets

In summer 2018, Nena commended her 40th commemoration as an artist and visited through Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

 Career highlights

Point of fact, the tune “99 inflatables” was the feature of Nena’s vocation. The melody arrived at the highest rated spot not just in Germany, additionally in Mexico, Canada, Japan and Australia. The German rendition arrived at the runner up on the Billboard graphs in the USA and the English variant “99 Red Balloons” in the UK diagrams ahead of everyone else.

Amazing facts

At three years old, Gabriele was an extended get-away with her families in Spain. There local people called her Nena, which signifies “young lady”. Gabriele’s folks preferred this epithet and from that point on Nena was Gabriele’s moniker. That is only one of the astounding realities about Nena. The following are four additional intriguing realities about Nena that ought to just be known to devoted fans.

Nena was asked in the Madison discotheque in Hagen whether she needed to join The Stripes as an artist.

Christiane F., who became popular for the book “We Children from the Zoo Station”, was to a great extent liable for the global accomplishment of “99 inflatables”. She took the melody alongside other German tunes to the USA. There a DJ became mindful of the melody.

Since the tune “99 Balloons” or the English adaptation was Nena’s just hit outside Europe, it is viewed as an alleged one-hit wonder in these two nations. 

Nena is a veggie lover and was granted the “Hottest Vegetarian of the Year 2010” by PETA Germany for her way of life.

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